Best advices for daughters

Best advices for daughters


*Some of these tips may be for my daughter, but they are all for daughters*

 1️⃣ Never look to others to make you happy. It is not anyone else's responsibility to make you happy, it is only yours


 2️⃣ Your first priority should be you, not people or their words. Your safety, life and happiness are more important than any customs of the world.

 And when you make a decision, don't look to people for validation

 If the results of a decision do not meet your expectations, own them with full responsibility and never blame someone else for your failure. Mistakes are the door to learning something new. They do not prove us a failure.

 3️⃣ Always make your own money, you are not a leech to cling to someone and eat it

 There are a thousand and one things in the world that you can do that are a thousand degrees better than clinging to someone and eating them, a hand that gives is better than a hand that asks.

 4️⃣Never take advantage of your womanhood and never let anyone lift you, spread your cloak as much as your feet allow.

 5️⃣ Never be afraid to take risk


 6️⃣ Your mother has given birth to you free, so never consider yourself a slave to anything or anyone, nor to anyone as your slave, because their mothers have also given birth to them free.

 Preferring love over government or slavery

 7️⃣Branded clothes, fame, good body, more wealth, expensive car, big house, these are all scams and don't fall for any scam, think out of the above things while choosing a partner.

  Love, Respect, Loyalty and Responsibility are the basic principles of relationship, pay them wholeheartedly and hope for them.

 8️⃣Never run after people or things, don't compare yourself with people

 9️⃣Don't participate in any race, beauty is your most beautiful decoration

 Your only competition should be against yourself, so your today should be better than your yesterday

   ✍🏻 best advices

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